Maine took the lead nationally in enacting the first local food sovereignty law, which state Gov. Paul LePage signed into law on June 20.
The law, LD 725, called “An Act to Recognize Local Control Regarding Food and Water Systems,” is written in two short parts. The first defines a local food system as a community food system within a municipality that integrates food production, processing, consumption, direct producer-to-consumer sales, and other traditional foodways. The second notes that “notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, a municipal government may regulate by ordinance local food systems…and the state shall recognize such ordinances.”
Twenty Maine towns already have approved the ordinance, some even before it was enacted, with another 20 or so in the works, says Heather Retberg of Quill’s End Farm in Penobscot, Maine. Retberg, with her husband, runs a 105-acre beef, poultry, duck, lamb, raw milk, goat milk, pork, and egg farm. She was one of the leading advocates for getting the law passed.
“The ordinance exempts us from licensing and inspection for face-to-face sales,” she says. That means direct to consumer via a farm stand, for example. She, along with other farmers, figures that by selling directly to the consumer, they are assuring food quality and safety. Bad products will kill off repeat business from locals, she notes. Also, the food passes through fewer hands with such direct sales, also improving food safety.
What the new law also allows is the sale of home kitchen canned goods and baked goods in towns with an ordinance.
“If I have extra raspberries during a drought, I can sell jam to make money to buy hay for the pigs,” Retberg says, adding she is getting calls and has seen some farmers from outside the state move to Maine because of the local control of food. Maine laws in 2009 prevented the sale of such jams that weren’t made in a licensed commercial kitchen.
“This is about the public making decisions about direct public access to farm-raised foods,” she says. “People who buy from you can see how the farm is run and patronize us. You live and die on word of mouth.”
Jordan Pike of Two Toad Farm in Lebanon, Maine, which has yet to adopt the ordinance, says selling food locally is a way to strengthen the community, as people interact more and those who he previously couldn’t sell excess kale to, for example, he now can. He farms vegetables, chickens, turkeys, and pigs on 3 acres.
Pike, a former quality assurance manager at an international medical filtration plant, agrees with Retberg about the safety and quality local farmers and producers maintain to keep their business going.
But large dairies like Hood and the Maine Cheese Guild have opposed the ordinance, fearing unsafe products.
“It’s important, especially in the dairy industry, that farmers regularly test their products,” says Jessie Dowling, president of the Maine Cheese Guild and a dairy farmer who runs Fuzzy Udder Creamery in Wakefield, Maine. “We feel there needs to be a line drawn for products sold off the farm. It’s one thing to sell a gallon of milk to a neighbor who knows you, but another to a tourist passing by who doesn’t know your dairy.” She says it’s very inexpensive to get a state license, which includes various tests.
Pike feels strongly that local farmers can assure their own quality. In a letter to LePage in early June, he wrote, “Before becoming a farmer, I managed a quality control lab in an FDA-regulated facility for a multinational. Managing seven inspectors on three shifts and having to sign off on over $1.5 million in medical product each month, it was a window into the minutia of regulation in a situation where it was needed. Farmers feeding neighbors is not where that approach belongs. Not at all.”
I work for a Health Department is small city in Massachusetts. For many years small produce growers have been able to sell fresh, uncut produce with no permits or inspections. Also non-potentially hazardous foods like jams and jellies, made in a home kitchen are allowed.
Ah, yes, the “it’s very inexpensive to get a state license, which includes various tests” argument. Right. The license is $25, but the facility that has to be built to get the license? Add a few thousand.
I buy from local farmers and I know exactly how they produce their food. I can go into their barns, into their kitchens, into their gardens and see it all. That is not possible with big commercial enterprises, and most laws are written to protect big agra and stomp out the small farmer. I’ve been at public hearings with Hood and Maine Cheese Guild, and their concerns are not about safety, but about territory, i.e. how will this affect their sales.
Kudos for LePage for signing this bill into law!